Poetry Corner
The following are examples of the wonderful poetry we are receiving from some of our students.

Magic poem
I will put in the box
A hair strip from my favourite
Singer an album for listening
In the stary night to drift me
Off to sleep on the worst night
I will put in the box
Head phones so no one else
Can hear my lovely music so it
Will not disturb anyone
My box will be fashioned out of
notes drums and guitars violins maybe
famous singers: Lewis Capaldi, Ed Sheeran maybe
stars around the edge to give it a shine
a night sky to a studio for where they all work
I shall
Put it on a beach when I shall
Think about the wonderful times
I have had in my life before I
Go to a permanent shut eye
Riley, Year 7
Haikus- Toby, Year 7
Lockdown Sonnet
For weeks inside or nearby,
lockdown slowly lifting I go outside,
and drive to a beach,
it is joy in the sun!
But too close, one coughing,
did I chose wrong,
endangered one and four
by strangers looking for fun?
Alarmed back home,
black ink crawling under the skin
at the thought of a gasp or a wheeze,
of a second wave on the run
A headache, a tight neck,
a pain in the arm and in the chest.
Archie, Year 7

Haiku Poems
The ladybugs
Ladybugs are red,
And have black spots on their wings,
Experts at flying.
The moth
Moths go flying by,
They are very beautiful,
Fluttering around.
Guillaume, Year 7
Twisted Fairytale Poem
Silly little girl dressed in red
Went out when she should have been in bed
Hungry fox didn’t know
She wasn’t food to make him grow.
He went ahead and ate her Gran
All part of his masterplan
The silly girl should not have been out
He’d eat her too before she could shout
He has a family to feed at home
‘Why am I the bad guy?’ We hear him moan
‘They get biscuits cake and bread’
‘I need meat and Granny’s head”!
Rhys, Year 7
A penguin stood on a raged rock
Feathers all shiny and bright
The sun went down
Which made him frown
And waddle off into the night 😊
Georgie, Year 7

Haiku poems
As the snow falls quickly the mountains
become covered there’s soon
nothing left to see.
Blossom trees there’s so many.
Their beautiful pink soft leaves
glittering in the gentle wind.
Alice M, Year 7
A Lockdown Sonnet
The corona virus is here and lockdown’s boring
But not all is bad with more family walks
Late in the morning I hear my brother snoring
Whilst my other one never stops and continually talks
With no school we have to do work at home
Lessons done with the help of Mum and Dad
With no football training I have to play alone
I miss my friends but try not to be sad
On Thursday evenings we went out to clap
Supporting the NHS and waving rainbow flags
We followed government briefings looking at a map
We stockpiled toilet roll and over filled shopping bags
A strange time indeed I will always remember
I hope there’s some normality and school in September
Lewys, Year 7

Writing a haiku
Thinking of a word
It can be difficult when
All of them are gone
Megan, Year 7