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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

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The College has recently been made aware of the Devon County Council SEND Transition Support Sessions

From the Organisation: 
"We’re hosting a series of online support sessions providing an opportunity for you to hear about the support and advice available for young people who are transitioning into adult, and those who support them.

These monthly sessions will be led by industry experts, covering topics such as independent living, money management, training and employment opportunities and support for parents, carers and young carers."

For more information on this
please click the link below.

Devon SEND Transition
Support Sessions


The College has recently been made aware of the 
Devon Neurodiversity Navigator service,
provided by Livewell Southwest 
in partnership with Children and Family Health Devon and OneDevon
offering help and advice to children, young people and their families
who are on the waiting list for a neurodiversity diagnosis.

For more information on the service
please click the link below.


Devon Neurodiversity Navigators Service


Please follow this link for the SEND Information Report, SEND Policy and Accessibility Plan Policy.

At Ivybridge Community College we are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to enable all of our students to make the best possible progress and access the opportunities available. 

Our first priority is to ensure all students’ needs are met within the classroom with high quality differentiated and personalised teaching, delivered by subject specialists.

The Student Services Department works alongside other Departments within the College to facilitate support, both long term and short term, for a wide range of individual student needs.  This support is provided in a variety of ways: within mainstream classes; specialist programmes; alternative courses; or by extraction in small groups or one-to-one.  The Department has well-equipped specialist teaching rooms as well as smaller intervention rooms.

We work closely with other agencies and rely on the partnership we develop with parents whose children are on our SEND Register or Monitoring Register.  Working together is important for your child's success.

Our main aim is to be flexible and to meet the individual needs of all students who require additional help.

Please follow this link to Devon County Council’s new website for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)