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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College


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Ivybridge Community College takes bullying seriously, and we have a dedicated team to investigate incidents and support students where bullying has been reported.

The Anti-bullying Ambassador team are proud to announce that they have been awarded the Diana Award Well-being Badge.  Students and staff have been working on various projects to ensure that everyone at Ivybridge Community College is working together to promote anti-bullying. 

Please see the following news links below - 

Raising Awareness of Anti-Bullying Week School
Diversity Week
Educating on Diversity Throughout History

A Focus on
Optimum Mental Health
College achieves
Anti-Bullying Award
Staff show support for Anti-Bullying Day

Students inspired by Diana Award LGBTQ+ Inclusion Session Students attend the
Anti-Bullying Ambassador Course
Ivybridge Community College
celebrates Diversity


How we can help

We will investigate any reports of bullying, quickly and sensitively.  If you would like to make a report, please email us via the link below...

Ivybridge Community College
Anti-bullying Contact

...and one of the team will be in touch to discuss as soon as we possibly can.

Miss Hanton
(Assistant Principal)
Miss Ball
(Equality Lead)

Miss Hanton, Assistant Principal and Miss Ball, Equality Lead help support LGBT children and young people, to celebrate diversity and tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying.

Don’t forget there are also designated Anti-Bullying Ambassadors (you will notice they are wearing Anti-Bullying blue shield pins) if you wish to talk to someone your own age!

Where a report results in a proven case of bullying, College sanctions will apply.  However, we can in turn help the bully stop re-offending with some support and guidance.  For additional support, where necessary, we can even offer anger management support to help with students that struggle with dealing with confrontational situations.

We offer mediation between students where appropriate and will always offer additional pastoral support if required.

The Ivybridge Community College Anti-Bullying Team is here to listen, protect and act.

We want to promote a kind and respectful community for age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, gender or sexual orientation
work with us to develop a kinder environment. 


Here are some useful links if you would like further support

ChildLine  End Bullying Now The Diana Award

Just Like
National Bullying Helpline
