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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Culture Fest Day

Following the success of last year’s Culture Fest, the College was proud to bring back, this time a week - long programme of activities to give students an insight into different cultures as well as other Equality and Diversity topics.

The final day of Culture Fest saw students visit a variety of practical workshops and gave groups an opportunity to learn and engage in an exploration of the Law, Multiculturalism and personal stories from local role models.

This included a session hosted by Kadis Smith (a Youth Worker from Plymouth Community Trust), where groups were challenged to question common beliefs around Respect, Equality and Diversity.

There were, in addition, also further discussion – based workshops as well as a presentation regarding the cultures and the communities within the Windrush generation.

Culture Fest was originally designed in partnership with a Student Voice group and Kadus Smith, from Plymouth Argyle Trust and was an opportunity to spread awareness of Multiculturalism and champion Anti-racism and Inclusion.

The College would like to thank everyone who participated in Culture Fest and are looking forward to hosting another informative week of activities and events next year.