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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Pasta Disasta

The latest Ogden Physics Trip for Year 10 was to Torquay Academy to take part in a Spaghetti Challenge ...

The aim of our trip was to create a structure out of spaghetti and lasagna sheets.  We were given an idea of what it could look like, then we were split down into groups of 3-4, given a box of lasagne sheets, a packet of spaghetti and superglue ... the mess we managed to create was ridiculous.

It took us all the best part of an hour to have anything like a structure completed, we had to weigh our structure and test how much weight it could hold (we were given extra points if it could hold 1kg).  In the end we had people using all sorts to not only hold our structures together but to make it look attractive as well.  One of our groups managed to win one of the prizes but we didn't come first.  Still, I think it was great fun for everyone, no one went home without having had a good time.


Shauna Longley