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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Embracing Character Education

Pastoral Leader of Years 9 and 10, Mr Kibler, challenged his year groups to send him a piece of work they are proud of and Year 10 student, Hugh, combined his thoughts on Lockdown and  the College’s development of key virtues, which we hope that our students would imbue in our Character Education programme.

Therefore the Year 10 student used his literary creativity, which resulted in the following:-

Courage - This week I have learnt how to make a 'roux' sauce and cauliflower cheese for my family.  We all had the courage to eat it!!

Honesty - I have always told my parents very openly about how I feel in these difficult times.

Authentic - I have learnt when to take a break when doing my home learning and not to try and do it all in one lump.  I have found out more about my limitations.

Respect - I have been helping out with household chores such as cleaning and vacuuming.  

Ambition - I have been keeping up with the set tasks, but I have done extra in some subject such as English and R.E.

Charity - No haven't yet, but always clap for our carers on a Thursday night as my Mum is a key worker in a hospital.

Tolerance - I watched a film with my Dad, it wasn't my choice, he’s a Star Trek fan and tolerated it! (It was ok in the end).

Empathy - I have called my Grandma and Grandad regularly to check that they are ok, as they are both self-isolating as they have medical conditions and are both over the age of seventy.

Resilience - I have set up a timetable for work so it does not become overwhelming.


Many teachers have seen this and it has made them smile.  Miss Hanton, Associate Leader said, “I love it!”  Whilst, Gill Taylor, Deputy Principal said, “I am very proud that Hugh has decided to share this piece of work with us, as it is a perfect example of how he has embraced Character Education and has clearly demonstrated his understanding  of how our key virtues can be showcased under this period of time.”