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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Expressive Lockdown Poetry

Ivybridge Community College Year 7 student, Chloe Jones, has delighted staff at the College by submitting her beautiful ‘acrostic’ poem using the word ‘Lockdown’.

All students in Year 7 were encouraged to write an acrostic poem in a competition organised as part of their Home Learning work expectations.

Chloe said “I really didn’t want to leave school when it shut, as I would miss all my friends and teachers.  I like school and think I work harder there as it’s more difficult to get motivated at home.   I have Face Timed my friends to keep in touch and get help with school work.  My mum and dad bought me a new bike as an early birthday present so I’m using that a lot for exercise as I’m missing my swim training.

I have been helping out at home with the cooking of the evening meals, mainly making desserts!  I feel sad about it all, as so many people are dying and their families can’t say goodbye to them, and I miss seeing my grandparents and being able to give them a hug.”

Gill Taylor, Deputy Principal said, “This is an excellent piece of creative writing, which  provides an insightful perspective from a Year 7 student’s point of view regarding her feelings and emotions during lockdown.”