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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Polygons, Polyhedrons, Flexagons and Topology!

Year 7 girls participate in a Maths Masterclass at Plymouth University.

On Wednesday, 11 January 2017, four Year 7 students; Georgina Gale, Naomi Gath, Erin Olsen and Abigail Sandford, took part in a Mathematics Masterclass at Plymouth University.  The students were involved in many enriching activities, which allowed them to extend their understanding of key concepts within Mathematics.

The day began with an informative session on Polygons.  The students were encouraged to consider the origins of many rules within Mathematics; for example, why do angles at a point add up to 180°?

For the second part of the session, the activities were very hands-on and allowed the students to apply themselves practically.  All students were able to create Polyhedrons, Flexagons, Mobius strips and even magic wallets!  Erin Olsen said “I really enjoyed my day at the university.  I liked learning about shapes and angles.  My favourite part of the day was when we did the maths ‘magic ticks’ as it meant that I could show my family what I had done and found it funny explaining it to them.”

The students behaved impeccably and were outstanding ambassadors for Ivybridge Community College.

Ms Lobb