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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Continuing to Improve the College Environment

A small area of grass at the front of the College is being transformed, all thanks to the efforts of the College’s Sustainability Club.

Year 7 student, Jasmine writes, “Recently the Sustainability Club dug up a small patch of turf in the shape of the College logo by the Millennium Reception.  Members of the Thursday lunchtime Sustainability Club sowed a wide variety of wild flowers in this area, and we are pleased to say that they have now started to grow.

We have also been working in the polytunnel; planting herbs, beans and courgettes, visiting regularly to top up the soil and water the plants. Next year we are hoping to make more changes to the College in order to reduce our environmental impact and increase biodiversity.”

As many of you are aware, the College Sustainability Group has been working to improve the immediate College environment whilst raising awareness of the climate and ecological crises facing our planet.  Sustainability has never been a more topical nor more important idea.

In order to continue to help us tackle these issues, we are asking for a little bit of help – no commitment required.

What we’re after:

•          Wood – old or new

•          Topsoil/compost/manure

•          Seeds/Plants – particularly wildflowers, fruit and vegetables

•          Gardening gloves and tools (especially children-sized)

•          Contacts in the local community

•          But mostly – your time (limited though it is we know). The more people acting for change, the faster it will come.  If you have a related interest, it would be hugely beneficial to the students to hear a range of voices and viewpoints.  This could be a one off session or a more prolonged working relationship.

If you can offer any of the above, or you have some ideas that you would like to see happen, please contact or

Any feedback on what we have achieved so far is also much appreciated.