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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Current Year 7 students - Vaccination against HPV in Year 8 and 9

This letter is to advise you that the Immunisation Team will be visiting all secondary schools in Devon to vaccinate children against HPV as part of the National Childhood Immunisation Programme.

Please see information below giving tips on how to complete the application link.

Summer Term 2019

Dear Parent / Guardian,

Vaccination against HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) in Year 8/9 (Current Year 7 and 8 students)

The HPV vaccine has been offered to all girls in school Year 8 for over ten years. From September 2019 the vaccine will also be offered to Year 8 boys. This is because the evidence is clear that the HPV vaccine helps protect both boys and girls from HPV-related cancers. The vaccine helps protect you from being infected by the human papillomavirus (HPV). This virus increases the risk of developing some cancers later in life, such as: cervical cancer, some mouth and throat cancers and some cancers of the anus and genital areas.

We are now inviting parents / guardians of children born between 1st September 2006 and 31st August 2007 to register their consent for the above vaccinations. We will be arranging to see all consenting Year 8 girls in the Autumn / Spring Term and all consenting Year 8 boys in the Spring Term.

In response to parent feedback we have developed a secure online link that parents can use to register their child for the vaccination. This process is quick and easy to use.


We will be visiting your child’s school during the coming Autumn/ Spring Term and will require completed online consent within 2 weeks of receipt. The team require the consent as soon as possible to assist with clinical processing over the school holidays. If your child has a medical condition we may need to contact you or your child’s doctor for further information before we can proceed with the vaccination. The consent link will remain open until 31st August. If you miss this deadline, please do not worry, as our team can arrange to see your child at the next available session – just contact us using the details above.

We are aware that our portal needs updating to include the latest information for boys. However, this information is all contained in the attached leaflet that has been issued by the national team to reflect the changes in the programme this year.

Our experienced team are happy to answer any queries that you may have about completing the online consent form, or any other questions that you may have related to the vaccination process. Please note that we are moving offices during the school holidays but can still be contacted by telephone on 0333 321 9884 or email:

Yours sincerely,

Devon Immunisation Team