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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Fantastic Fundraising from Year 7 Students

On Wednesday, 7 November Ivybridge Community College Year 7 students Paige Thonner, Lucy Collins and Sumer Moore held a cake sale to raise funds for the Dame Hannah Rogers Trust.

This event was the brainchild of Paige Thonner, who, following on from an assembly given by Mr Jason Ryder, Head Teacher from Dame Hannah Rogers’ Special School in Ivybridge, as part of Mental Health Awareness Week; decided that she would like to raise money for this charity to help his students, by organising a cake sale.

Together with friends Sumer Moore and Lucy Collins, the girls put their suggestion to their Head of Year 7, Mr Tom Brown, who thoroughly supported their thoughtful endeavour.

Paige and her mum designed posters to advertise the cake sale, and the day before the event Paige’s mum and nan made rocky roads, brownies, cupcakes, crispy cakes, carrot cake and flapjacks, while Lucy made cupcakes and a cake.

Paige, Lucy and Sumer all manned the cake stall on the day, and with the goodies priced at 50p each, raised an amazing £137.00.

This was a fantastic achievement, well done and thank you to everyone involved.