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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Top Teams Complete Ten Tors Challenge

Ivybridge Community College has congratulated its students on completing the recent Ten Tors Expedition.

Three teams of students participated and despite the misty conditions, they navigated their way around to finish in good time on Sunday, 30 April 2023.

The forty-five mile team, who walked for the Erme and Yealm Valley Hillwalking Club, were led by Year 13 student Ollie Mitchell.  They enjoyed lots of attention, wearing their colourful sombreros and were the second team to complete their route, just seven minutes behind the first team home.

The two thirty-five mile teams, led by Max Harris and Molly Harvey, finished within two minutes of each other, despite being on different routes and both were the third team to complete their routes.

Andrew Mitchell, who oversees the College Ten Tors and Duke of Edinburgh programmes said, “The success of the teams lays great testament to the training they have been given by many volunteers in the build up to the event and we would like to recognise all that they have done.”

Additionally, we would like to congratulate Jack Barker (former Governor of the College) who was presented with the Tungsten Award, at a ceremony on Saturday, 29 April 2023, recognising his fifty years of service, helping to train Ten Tors teams.