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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Sixth Form Celebrates Results Day

We are delighted to share in the celebrations with our students as they receive their A Level and Vocational qualification results.

After an abrupt end to their Year 11 studies, we are so proud of the way that our Year 13 students have shown determination and resilience throughout their time in the Sixth Form. Much of their time was disrupted due to Covid, coupled with the uncertainty as to whether their examination series was going to go ahead.

With most having never sat external examinations before, our students impressed us with their maturity and courage throughout the examination period, and today they reap the rewards with tremendous achievements.
We have always known that this year was a ‘transition year’ between 2021 (when assessment was done directly by schools and colleges) and 2019 (the last year examinations took place).  This means that we have been told that overall grades will be about halfway between the two nationally.  This does not mean that marking was harsher – the marking was done by Examination Boards in the usual way.  Instead, it means that when setting the grade boundaries, Examination Boards have been more generous than in a normal year to bring grades closer to 2021 levels.

Our students have certainly shown grit and determination, rising to the challenge of achieving their best; over 60% of A Level passes were at grades A* - B, and more than half of our Vocational passes were at Distinction or Distinction*.  
40 students achieved only the highest grades of A*, A, Distinction and Distinction* in all of their subjects, with 30% of our A Level grades being at grade A or A*.
Three students have realised their dreams to study Medicine or Dentistry and one student has achieved his place at Cambridge to study Natural Sciences.  This year, 200 young people at the College decided to apply to university; today, three quarters have secured their first choice offers, with a quarter having gained places at the prestigious Russell Group universities.  We are always proud of the destinations of our students, and this year is no exception, with students off to university, apprenticeships and training across the country and beyond.  One student is off to realise his linguistic and business talents at a Business School in France, many are off to prestigious Dance and Drama schools across the country, a further student has secured a top job with a local firm supporting his AAT qualification training and another student has already started to work as a firefighter.  A young entrepreneur is now focussing on growing his already successful business, whilst another young person is off to continue his successful career in Show Jumping.

Ms Martin, Director of Sixth Form said, “I am incredibly proud of the students receiving their results today.  They have shown outstanding resilience over their time here at the College and are a real testament to the Sixth Form and have been a joy to work with”.

Mrs Hutchinson, Principal added, “After such turbulent times over the past few years and during such key transition points for this Year Group, we could not be prouder of their achievements today.  I would like to congratulate all of our students and wish them luck in their future endeavours.  We can’t wait to hear of their next successes as alumni of the College.  I would like to thank all of our staff who have continued to support our students so tirelessly, and to all of our parents/carers for their ongoing support and encouragement”.