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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Students Successfully Complete Ten Tors Challenge

Ivybridge Community College students enjoyed another year of incredible success at this year’s Ten Tors expedition.

After two years missed due to COVID-19, it was wonderful to return to Okehampton Army Camp for the event.

Three teams of students, in Years 9, 10 and 11, successfully completed the expedition over the weekend of Friday, 6 to Sunday, 8 May. 

Two of the teams walked under the College name, with the other team walking for the Erme and Yealm Valley Hillwalking Club.

The two Ivybridge Community College teams undertook the thirty-five mile challenge, finishing their routes at 1.14pm and 2.23pm. The Erme and Yealm team completed the forty-five mile challenge at 4.40pm.

Following the celebratory start arrangements to commemorate sixty years of Ten Tors, the teams set off into the mist from Okehampton Army Camp at 7.00am.  The weather soon cleared to leave warm, sunny conditions; the sun adding an extra element to the challenge. Sunday saw a similar weather pattern with a misty start, followed by a warm sunny day.

The exceptional success of all those involved pays testament to the demanding training process that they have followed, and the dedication of the volunteers who make this possible.

Ivybridge Community College staff and volunteers were acknowledged for their commitment to the Ten Tors programme during a presentation by the Army on Saturday night. They were all awarded with certificates and medals by the Ten Tors Event Director, Colonel Gary McDade.  Andrew Mitchell, teacher of Mathematics and Head of Outdoor Education at the College, was recognised for thirty years of involvement in training Ten Tors teams.  Caron Russell, Mathematics Resource Assistant and Ten Tors Trainer, together with volunteers, Ciaran Brookes and Matthew Wakeham, were all recognised for fifteen years involvement in the Ten Tors training programme.  

Congratulations to all students and staff involved in this event.  Please follow this link to view the Gallery of images from the weekend.