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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Students’ Reading Charity Fundraisers and Challenges

The Learning Resource Centre at Ivybridge Community College has always had a wonderful relationship with the charity, Read for Good.

The fundraising process is simple - students are motivated to read what they love, and at the same time raise money to help seriously ill children.

The Read for Good hospital programme provides brand-new, carefully chosen books and regular professional storyteller sessions to the UK’s 30 major children’s hospitals.  Their colourful mobile bedside bookcases offer an enticing display of lovely new books to read and often keep for ever.  Their service supports seriously ill children’s disrupted learning, and gives them and their families precious distraction and comfort at a time when it’s needed the most.

Sara Hull, Learning Resource Centre Coordinator said, “For many years the Learning Resource Centre has organised the Read-a-thon to help raise money for hospital book trollies.  Over the years we have raised enough money through organising the Read-a-thons to provide six book trollies that are placed on hospital wards for children.  This year, during the month of March, I am delighted to say that we have managed to raise enough money to buy another two hospital book trollies.  Special thanks must go to Year 7 students, Emma and Isla, Reuben in Year 8 and Shimma in Year 9.”


“I think this is a great idea and helps children who are in hospital.  I would definitely do it again.” Freya, Year 7 student.


Learning Resource Centre Celebrates Reading Challenges

On Thursday, 28 April, Ivybridge Community College students, from Years 7 to 10, were invited to a ‘Movie Day’ in the College’s Learning Resource Centre.  This event was to congratulate the 50 students on their amazing achievements and progress so far in the LRC’s ‘Reading Underground’ challenge.

“It was a real surprise to be invited to the movie.  I was just working towards going to the Pizza Party!  I really like Fantastic Beasts, so this was a great film choice too.” Year 9 student.

Sara Hull, Learning Resource Centre Coordinator, said, “This year’s uptake for the Reading Challenge has been phenomenal.  To congratulate the students on their commitment and progress so far, the top 50 readers were invited along to the LRC to watch the film ‘The Crimes of Grindelwald’.  The students still have a few months to complete the challenge, but their enthusiasm is outstanding and deserved to be rewarded, and I’m certain that most of them will be attending our celebration Pizza Party in July.”