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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Character Values Shine Through

In April, Ivybridge Community College students in Einir Shore’s Year 7 Tutor Group sold homemade cakes and beautiful handmade jewellery, with the purpose of raising money for Ukraine.  

Sofia, Lucy, Oscar and Twm organised the cake baking and jewellery making, with help from other students in their Tutor Group during the break time sale.

 “I am most definitely the luckiest Tutor in the College working with such caring students who wanted to raise money for the people of Ukraine,” said Mrs Shore, “The students have followed our College virtues of Charity and Ambition organising the cake and jewellery sale themselves, raising £200 for this worthy cause.”

“After our assembly on Ukraine, and the work we have done in CPSHE, I just felt that our Tutor Group needed to do something to help all of the people who are suffering in Ukraine.  I love baking so making the cakes was fun.” said Sofia.  Lucy added, “One of my hobbies is making jewellery and I thought that it would be a nice thing for other students to buy some earrings or bracelets knowing that the money will go to a good cause.”

Supporting the Ukrainian Refugees as a Community

In March the College's Sixth Form students wore yellow and blue to show their support for the Ukrainian refugees.

Kim Daniel, Sixth Form Personal Development and Welfare Leader said, “The Sixth Form Council championed this initiative of wanting to show our support for the Ukrainian refugees in the most powerful way possible.  Students raised £290, which has been paid into the Disasters Emergency Committee fund, and some came to College wearing the colours of the Ukrainian flag.  I am very proud of the amount of money which has been raised.”

“It is important to keep up with current affairs and to be educated about what is going on in world.” said Sixth Form student, Millie.  Talitha added, “It was really nice to see the Sixth Form come together and support the Ukrainian refugees as a community.”

Jasmine and Ms Daniel agreed on the importance of “empathising with those who are suffering and try to help as much as we can.” while Elisha added, “It was a great way for everyone to get involved and start a conversation about an important issue.”