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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Students Deliver Fantastic Healthy Lifestyle Festival​​​​​​​

On Wednesday, 30 March, David Hill, Youth Sport Trust Athlete Mentor and Paralympian, returned to the College to support the Year 12 BTEC students deliver a Healthy Lifestyle Festival for fifty-five Year 7 students.

The Year 12 BTEC students planned fun and engaging activities for Year 7 students who might not currently be attending College enrichment clubs.  The festival gave the younger students the opportunity to try out 4 activities including: Archery, Basketball skills, Obstacle Course and Space Hopper Handball, whilst being encouraged and assisted by the older students.

“I am really proud of how creative the Year 12 students have been in selecting fun activities.  They planned the event really well and were so supportive and engaging with the younger students.”                Jeanette Green, Physical Activity and Sport Coordinator, and Healthy Lifestyle Champions Project Lead.

Lisa Setter, Year 7 Pastoral Leader, who spoke with some of the Year 7 students part way through the session, commented, “They were thoroughly enjoying themselves and were really keen to tell me all that they had done so far, and what was to come!” 

Following the festival, David Hill said, “The students are so lucky to have access to all the equipment to run the activities, including Archery and Space Hoppers!!  A very well planned and delivered festival.”