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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

The Importance of Remembering...

On Wednesday, 26 January 2022, Ivybridge Community College Year 9 students attended a Holocaust Educational Trust Webcast virtual talk from Holocaust survivor, Eva Clarke BEM, held in the Learning Resource Centre.  

This is an annual webcast that marks Holocaust Memorial Day, on 27January.  The webcast enabled us to join schools from all over the country to listen to Eva Clarke’s story.  It is important to note that this will be the last generation to be able to hear directly from survivors of the Holocaust, which makes this an increasingly rare but important opportunity.

Adam White, teacher of History said, “The 40 students were absorbed by the powerful testimony of Eva Clarke from the outset, with many students raising important and insightful questions.  Students listened attentively as Eva told her story which displayed for us both her personal courage to share it; but it also contained moving individual acts of resilience.”

Following the webcast, students were given the opportunity to discuss and write down their thoughts: “Eva and Anna’s story is truly inspiring, it shows determination, courage and the power to overcome trouble,” said Evie.  “It has inspired me to learn more about the holocaust and share my knowledge about it with the younger generation,” added Daniel.

“The Holocaust Memorial interview was very informative about the true reality of a survivor from the concentration camps,” commented Sebastian.  “We are all different, but this does not give anybody the right to dehumanise,” said Leela and Mia.  And Sam added, “We should be very grateful for the stories passed down to us, so that we may pass them onto others.”

Other Year 9 students also commented, “We listened to a testimony from Eva, who is a Holocaust survivor, and she was telling her mum’s story.  Her mum gave birth to her whilst being transported from Auschwitz and both of them survived, which is amazing as Eva only weighed 3lbs when she was born,” and, “This talk made me realise how important it is to remember and cherish the survivors, so they can spread their message.  It has made me become more aware of the traumatic experience the Jews went through and how important it is to remember.”


Holocaust Memorial Day is a national event that takes place every year on 27 January.  This day has significance as this was the day Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated.