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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Supporting Local Community Charities this Christmas

Ivybridge Community College students and staff have contributed to making this year’s donations, to help local people in crisis, the best ever. 

Over the last few weeks they have brought in to their Tutors specifically requested food items and small wrapped gifts.

 “A huge thank you to everyone who has helped with the most generous Food Bank and Watermark donations.  What a great demonstration of the character virtues of charity and empathy shown by students, staff, parents and carers who have yet again demonstrated their outstanding compassion and generosity to the local community.  We have never had quite so many items donated. 

The impact that these donations will have on some families and individuals this year will be immense, and it has been a fabulous demonstration of the true meaning of Christmas. 

Thank you again, and I wish you all a peaceful and restful holiday.” Helen Ryder, Head of Human Science and Wellbeing Lead.