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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Literacy Focus at College Parents’ Forum​​​​​​​

On Thursday, 23 September, parents and carers once again joined Senior Leaders and staff members at Ivybridge Community College for a successful face-to-face Parents’ Feedback Forum. 

This time, the forum was focused upon Literacy, and held in the College’s fantastic Learning Resource Centre, surrounded by books.  Parents and carers heard from Holly Trafford, LRC Coordinator and Forensic Reading Lead, about the immersive experiences and competitions promoted by the Learning Resource Centre, and offered to all students at the College.

They had an opportunity to meet new staff too, including Scott Davies, WeST’s Executive Director of English who explained the core offer focused upon literacy.  They also met new Assistant Principal, Vicky Thornton, who extolled the virtues of working in partnership with parents and carers, and delivered a lesson using the College’s Year 7 Forensic Reading lesson plans.   Following this, a number of incredibly clever suggestions were put forward, such as using Forensic Reading to promote the uptake of Psychology or Sociology and considering how to build Forensic Reading into home learning activities.

Kelly Olive, Deputy Principal, explained how literacy was being explored across the curriculum in order to ensure connectivity for the students.  Amy Pearce, Assistant Principal responsible for leading the group, carried out a post-it note activity to ensure we are building the forums around areas that parents and carers wish to discuss at future evenings.

If you are interested in joining the next Parent Forum or ParentMeet please click here for more information and to register for future events.