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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Sixth Form Students Quiz Politicians

On Wednesday, 9 June, the Sixth Form Team at Ivybridge Community College were delighted to welcome Luke Pollard, Labour MP, who had kindly agreed to participate in a Q & A session with the students via Microsoft Teams.

After Sir Gary Streeter discussed politics with students of the Sixth Form last month, it was only fair to give such an opportunity to our local parliamentary opposition, Luke Pollard.  Mr Pollard was presented with a similar set of questions to Mr Streeter, with just some minor alterations to maintain applicability, and a couple of additions on the topics of sexuality, gender and free speech.

Having now heard the argumentation of both sides of the political spectrum, students can for themselves decide which of the two they find more compelling.

Kim Daniel, Sixth Form Personal Development and Welfare Leader commented, “Even though both of the Q & A sessions were held virtually via Microsoft Teams, the attention of the Year 12 students was unwavering.  This is a testament to how engaged and focused they were on both occasions.  A big thank you to both politicians as these experiences will now enable our Year 12 students to compare answers from two different political parties on these key topics and allow them to make up their own minds.”

The College would like to thank both Sir Gary Streeter and Luke Pollard for giving up their time to speak to our students, we feel it is very important for their voices to be heard, and both politicians recognised this.  A big thank you also to all students involved in the discussion for being so engaged and formulating challenging questions.