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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Championing our Environment

Ivybridge Community College’s Sustainability Group have been championing ‘No-Mow May’ and the ‘Random Acts of Wildness Challenge’ during June. 

Around the College site there are some naturalised areas of long grass and wildflowers.  These are providing habitats for insects including bees and other pollinators.  Everyone can help too by leaving an area of their garden to grow wild.  Try it and see what you find by the end of the month, or leave it to flourish all summer.

The Random Acts of Wildness Challenge involves doing something outside every day that gets you into nature and record it.  You can sign up on the Devon Wildlife Trust website.  This is the UK's biggest nature challenge throughout the month of June!  When you sign up, you'll get a free pack of goodies to help you plan your wild month, plus lots of ideas to inspire you to stay wild all throughout June (and beyond!).  For some ideas: go for a walk, build a hedgehog house, grow some food, and build a pond. 


“We are very fortunate to have plenty of green space at the College, but we are trying to improve this by planting trees and flowers and leaving some areas to ‘re-wild’.  This provides vital food and shelter for a number of different species, many of which are under threat.  Green spaces are great for both our mental and physical wellbeing and we have some amazing countryside on our doorstep to explore as part of the Wildlife Trust’s 30 Days Wild campaign.” Nick Paskin, Science Technician.


The Sustainability Group has launched a nature photography competition too.  Please see the attachment below for further information.