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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Staff Top the Leader Board in National 5km Challenge

During the last, very windy, weekend of April, staff at Ivybridge Community College participated again in ‘The SchoolRUN’ challenge; hoping to improve their results from the previous month, when an amazing ninety participants took to the roads and trails around Devon and Cornwall.

The final weekend of every month is ‘SchoolRUN Weekend,’ a virtual 5km interschool staff race.  Staff members from any school in the country, or overseas, can take part, with the fastest six runner’s times counting towards the leader board.  In March’s challenge Ivybridge Community College staff managed second place, with four teams in the top eleven schools.

Claire Davidson, teacher of English at the College, has been championing this challenge saying, “I hoped to match the number of participants from the March event, and was delighted when ninety-four staff members stepped up to the challenge this month!  The College also went one better, with the College A Team taking first place overall and the B Team, third place.”

The first placed team comprised Ross James, running a time of 19.39 in fifth place overall; Ashley Mottram, running 19.59; Hannah Mattinson, in a brilliant time of 20.18; Liam Harvey, in 21.05, Andrew Mitchell in 21.57 and Matt Anniss completing the A Team in 22.03.  Once again we are delighted to report that Ivybridge Community College had four teams placed in the top eleven overall, and the College provided nearly a third of the total number of participants.  This month saw an international school from Germany take part too, so it looks as if this excellent event is set to grow.

Claire added, “The SchoolRUN is a wonderfully inclusive event, encouraging staff to pick a course of their choice and go at their own pace.  For those who want to be really competitive, this is the perfect opportunity to run flat out, but, equally, for those who prefer to amble with their families or walk, that’s fine too.  A special mention goes to Jo Hewish, Lucy Pitcher and Caroline Johnson who all completed the 5km at 20 weeks, 28 weeks and 37 weeks pregnant, respectively. These ladies inspire us all!”

Next month’s SchoolRUN will be over the weekend of 28-30 May.  Claire is hoping for over a hundred participants for this event.  Our grateful thanks to Gary Burman once again for organising such a brilliant event, which has been so much fun.

Please click here for the full list of participants and times.