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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

National Fun ‘Santa Dash’

Ivybridge Community College Netball, Football and Rugby students joined in the National Fun Santa Dash during their PE lessons.

On Monday, 14 December the students, wearing their Christmas jumpers and hats, took time out from their PE lessons to join in with the ’Santa Dash’ organised by Jeanette Green, the local  School Games Organiser.  They joined thousands of other young people across the country who were all also taking part.

Jeanette said, “As the School Games Organiser for South Hams and West Devon, and a member of staff at Ivybridge Community College, it is fantastic to see students from the College joining thousands of schools from across the country in the School Games National Santa Dash 2020.

This year has seen unprecedented change to all our lives and I hope that by students joining in this National Santa Dash it will provide some fun and light hearted exercise whilst wearing their Christmas hats and jumpers.”