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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

School Crossing Patrol Vacancies

There are vacancies for a School Crossing Patrol role at the following locations - 

  • Harford Rd, East of the bridge on Blachford Road
  • Stowford, Exeter Road (West) near Brook Road

Devon County Council is recruiting for the worthwhile and rewarding role of a School Crossing Patrol.  Patrols not only benefit the local schools but are appreciated by the whole community.  Please can you help by trying to think of someone who might like to do this, perhaps a family member, friend, neighbour or you? 

Please see below for further details

To find out more, please contact us on 01392 383000

Information about the Patrol role and links to apply are here -

In summary:

  • Working hours are 8.15 – 9.00 a.m.  and 3.15 – 3.45 p.m.  Monday to Friday, which equates to 6 hours 15 minutes per week.
  • Pay is £9.25 per hour, plus some holiday pay and ‘retainer’ pay

You may not want to commit to a full School Crossing Patrol role, therefore you can volunteer to help children crossing and train as a Volunteer School Crossing Marshal.    More information is available here -