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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Musical Talent Shines Through in NHS Competition

Hannah Stephenson, Teacher of Music at the College, has every reason to be proud of her daughter, Lucy, as musical talent definitely runs in the family.

Lucy is currently in Year 6 at a local primary school and will be joining the College next year. She recently won the national ‘Step Into The NHS’ competition for primary schools with a song that she wrote in lockdown.  This year’s competition saw an impressive 1,871 entries from more than 3,000 pupils in 273 primary schools throughout England.

Lucy said, “I’ve always loved writing songs, since I was in Year 4 and wrote a song about the rainforest for a homework project.  I usually write the lyrics and sing the tune and then my Mum shows me how to add chords on the piano.  I can’t wait to go to Ivybridge Community College because my Mum works there and I’ve been having violin lessons at the Music Hub at the College.” 

“I’m really proud of Lucy’s achievement,” said Hannah, “She worked so hard on this project during lockdown and to have her hard work recognised in this way has been amazing.  When the NHS released the competition details via her primary school, Lucy knew straight away that she wanted to write a song and spent ages learning about different NHS careers before writing it.  It was a lovely way to say thank you to the NHS staff who have been working so hard in a time that has been very challenging for so many.  She also sang her song live on Radio Devon on the first Saturday of half term and although she was nervous you couldn’t tell.”

“What a fantastic achievement for Lucy, especially against such strong competition.  We are looking forward to welcoming her to the College next year to continue to develop her musical talents.”  Kelly Olive, Deputy Principal. 

Please follow the links below for the NHS press release and also her video on the NHS Careers YouTube site -