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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Christmas Charity Collection for the Food and Beauty Bank in Ivybridge

Please see below for a list of preferred items -

  • non perishable food
  • milk (UHT or powdered)
  • cereals
  • sugar (500g)
  • rice pudding (tinned)
  • fruit juice (carton)
  • tea bags/instant coffee
  • soup
  • instant mash potato
  • rice/pasta
  • tinned meat/fish
  • pasta sauces
  •  tinned fruit
  • sponge pudding (tinned)
  • jam
  • tomatoes (tinned)
  • biscuits or snack bar
  • tinned vegetables
  • any unopened beauty product – shampoo, deodorant, makeup, wipes for example.

Plus we also collect little Christmas presents for Christmas Day at the Watermark for those who do not have family – simple gifts like scarves, chocolate, sweets are always welcomed.

All to be brought to Tutors over the next couple of weeks, deadline is Friday, 13 December 2019.