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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Charity is a core Character Virtue at Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College are proud to announce that they have raised over £2300 for this year’s Children in Need charity, through a range of activities across the College.  

With Charity forming one of the College’s core Character Virtues, it was wonderful to see such widespread participation in every year group.  Students participated in a Mufti day, with a Key Stage 3 cake sale and a ‘guess the sweets’ activity with a range of sweet treats available for all, raising over £50.

On this theme, the Food Technology Department and Year 10 students whipped up a hugely successful pancake sale at lunchtime selling over 100 Pudsey spot pancakes, with students having the opportunity to decorate their pancakes, raising over £80 in total.  


The  Sixth Form Fancy Dress competition, organised by Flossie in Year 13, successfully raised £213 for Children in Need and Young Minds.  Well done to everyone involved.


The fun continued into Monday, as students saw the results of their ‘Pie the Teacher’ votes nominate Mr Clift to receive a cream pie to the face by Mrs Hutchinson.  Mr Clift chose to forego the goggles and shower cap kindly offered by Mrs Shore, and is still washing the cream out of his hair!  Thank you to Dr Turpin and her tutor group for raising over £100 through the student votes – an excellent (if a little messy) start to the week!

A final thank you goes to the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors who raised over £60 in their ‘Odd Socks’ raffle as part of the National Anti-Bullying Week #OddSocks campaign, with over 100 socks ‘raffled’ and decorated with positive anti-bullying messages in a great display of kindness and tolerance.  Thank you as well to the Limelight Theatre Group who have created a performance that focuses on the importance of empathy for the Anti-Bullying Week assembly.