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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

World Mental Health Day - Thursday, 10 October

Mental Health Awareness at Ivybridge Community College

This term at Ivybridge Community College, we are ensuring that Mental Health Awareness is of high profile with students and staff.  We are raising awareness by talking more about mental health and encouraging staff and students to look after their emotional wellbeing. The yellow hats and glasses from Young Minds were a prompt to talking in class about mental health.  A major theme this year at the College is positive relationships and we are trying to make sure that we all think about how our relationships both in and out of College affect our mental health. Another key element is Mindfulness, our CPSHE lessons are often starting with a small mindfulness activity to empty our minds and focus.  There is a mindfulness course for students who would like to know more, please see Mrs Daniel.

In preparation for Mental Health Awareness week the Wellbeing Ambassadors presented an assembly about Mental Health to all of the year groups. We are opening the Wellbeing Hub and publicising that all are welcome to pop in for a chat and a biscuit. The ambassadors in the Hub have been trained in the basics of coaching and are ready to help with small worries and anxieties.  We have lots of displays around the College informing students where they can go to find help; this was also mentioned in an assembly when some of the Ambassadors were introduced.

We hope that all of these activities will help raise awareness of Mental Health and reduce the stigma around such issues.  We are encouraging students and staff to believe in ourselves, and to try our best and have pride in everything that we do.  We are here to support and encourage each other and in doing so we are polite and respectful of differences: we are embracing diversity.

Where to go for help: any Teacher, Tutor, Wellbeing Ambassador in the Wellbeing Hub B100, Yellow Lanyard wearers, Mrs Taylor -  Designated Safeguarding Lead , Pastoral Leaders,  Mrs Hughes and Mrs Beck - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officers, Medical Health Care Assistants, Academic Performance Leaders and Mrs Ryder - Personal Development and Wellbeing Lead.

Useful links -

•          Mind-Ed- E-learning for professionals working with children and young people

•          Time to Change- Anti-Stigma Campaign and Resources

•          myCAMHSchoices- A website with advice for young people who have been referred to CAHMS, or are interested in finding out about it.

•          Young Minds Website

•          Right Here publications on mental health

•          Anna Freud network supporting Mental Health & Wellbeing in Schools