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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Parent Forum

Calling all Ivybridge Community College parents.  We are looking for interested, creative people who are willing to share their views, to join Parents’ Forum and help make Ivybridge Community College even better.  It is a small commitment and an opportunity to meet other parents and influence your children’s school. 

The Parents’ Forum meets once or twice a term for an hour.  Each meeting will cover two or three specific topics and you are welcome to pick and choose those that interest you most.

The next meeting is on Wednesday, 6 June 2018 from 5.30pm – 6.30pm, with refreshments served from 5.20pm. 

We hope you will join us.  If you would like to come to the next meeting please sign up on the Parents' section of the school website -
(Please also complete the form if you cannot attend but would like to be kept updated). Remember to add a note if there are particular issues you would like future meetings to cover.

We look forward to meeting you.