Year 7 students, staff and Sixth Form students dressed as famous Dahl book characters.
Teachers reading to Years 7 and 8 extracts from their favourite Roald Dahl novel, along with students who are bringing into College their favourite Dahl read.
The film Matilda to be screened at lunchtime.
Offerings of Quentin Blake inspired drawings by the Art Department at lunchtime.
In History Year 7 and 8 producing a timeline or biography about Dahl.
Quiz sheet at lunchtime and guess the ten teachers dressed as book characters.
Geography competition – Roald Dahl took his inspiration for Fantastic Mr Fox from his favourite tree which he called ‘The Witches Tree’. Students are asked to write a short story or poem about their favourite natural place and why it is so important to them.
Science – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is the Department’s inspiration for experiments using sun lamps shining on milk and white chocolate – to look at the reflection and absorption of radiation. Secondly, looking at the melting points of chocolate and finally creating three chocolate sinks – one at room temperature, one in a fridge and one using dry ice.