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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

For the Attention of Parents and Carers - Letter from Westcountry Schools Trust

Westcountry Schools Trust (WeST) is preparing to change the way its schools are governed.

From 1st January 2023, WeST will create four hub advisory boards. These hub advisory boards will replace the local governing bodies.
You can be an active member of one of WeST hubs. They are looking for parents, staff, and other members of school communities, they especially want to hear from groups that have been under-represented on governing bodies.
WeST want to appoint hub advisory board (HAB) members from a range of different backgrounds. You may be a parent running a busy house, be retired, be pursuing a career, working in the private or public sectors.

For more information on the changes taking place and how the HUB advisory boards will work, as well as how to apply, please see the below attachment.