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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Outdoor Education Annual Awards ​​​​​​​​

The College Outdoor Education Department held their annual awards evening at the beginning of February. The evening provided an excellent opportunity to share the experiences that have been enjoyed, by the students, over the past twelve months.

The presentations focussed on three major achievements by the students, those who had completed the sponsored nightwalk, been part of Ten Tors 2015, or completed a Duke of Edinburgh’s award.

Forty students completed the annual sponsored nightwalk in mid November.  On a night that saw sub zero conditions and a period of heavy snowfall, they covered a distance of 20 miles, across Dartmoor, starting at 9pm on a Friday evening and finishing at 6am on the Saturday morning.  A cheque for £1000 was presented to the Devon Air Ambulance Trust as part of the evening.  Gordon White representing the Air Ambulance, accepted the cheque and gave a brief talk on the benefits of the Air ambulance and their future plans.

The thirty six students who successfully completed the 2015 Ten Tors expedition were recognised, along with the five students who worked hard assisting the military during the event.

Forty six students were recognised for completing Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards, during the year. This consisted of eighteen bronze, fourteen silver and thirteen gold awards. Three members of one of the gold teams presented a video, which they had produced, featuring the highs and lows of their expedition undertaken in the Lake District.

Matt Keeble was awarded the Navigation Award in recognition of the progress he had demonstrated with his navigation skills. The Grace Turner Shield was presented to Rose Tuckley and the JB award was presented to Will Battershill.  Mrs Russell was presented the Grace Turner award, in recognition of the voluntary hours given to assist with the Ten Tors and DofE programmes.

The awards were presented by Simon Gillard, the DofE Manager for Devon.  Simon gave an excellent talk on the benefits to those who undertake extracurricular work, such as Ten Tors and Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.