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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Students Enjoy Colourful Neon Run

On Tuesday, 5 April a group of Year 8 girls had an exciting opportunity to participate in a brand new event called the ‘Neon Run’, held at the Pavilion in the Park, Okehampton, and hosted by Active Devon.  

The students completed a 2km loop and participated in different activities along the way.  

After attending the event the students gave very positive feedback, with Maisy commenting, “I found the Neon Run very enjoyable, it was fun and relaxed and you could do everything at your own pace.  We were able to try all sorts of different activities around the run, but my favourite was the archery and the cycling.”

Lola added, “I also enjoyed all the mini activities throughout and how you could go back if you wanted to do them in a certain way.  I was also happy to find out I was doing it, since I was never chosen for trips like this in primary, so it was a nice new experience for me.”

“The students thoroughly enjoyed the day and were also able to dress up and add neon paint to their t-shirts and faces!  We are looking forward to attending the event again next year.” Poppy Kirkup, teacher of PE.