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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Supporting Children’s Mental Health Week​​​​​​​

During Children’s Mental Health Week, 7–11 February, the Anti-Bullying and Equality Ambassadors at Ivybridge Community College have led on a variety of projects to spread understanding and provide support to their peers.

The students organised an awareness and support stall, ran a bake sale and developed a wellbeing hub to support the journey of others towards improved wellbeing.  This wellbeing hub is planned to continue throughout the academic year to dispel the stigma of mental health and provide a safe space to unwind and relax.  The Anti-Bullying and Equality Ambassadors are also embarking on Wellbeing Lead Training to further support their College community.

Libby, a Year 10 Equality Ambassador said, “We are always here to promote equality and if anyone needs any support in the College please do come and speak to us.  We meet every fortnight in D0.05 during a Friday lunch time.” Scarlett, in Year, 11 added, “Within the Equality Ambassadors our goal is to reach every part of the College.  We are here to listen and make change. We are always here to help.”

Natallia, in Year 13, commented, “I have been an Anti-Bullying and Equality Ambassador since Year 11.  I believe that it’s so important to promote good mental health, especially with younger students.  Having people who you can go to for help is essential in these times.”  Twm, a Year 7 Anti-Bullying Ambassador, said, "In College we should work together to try and make sure everyone is okay by showing respect for other people’s emotions and feelings.  By doing this we will have a College where everyone is kind, happy and inclusive."  Floyd, in Year 7 added, "Working with friends and peers alike we always have fun with ideas, and the mental health stall was about understanding each other."

“This year for Children’s Mental Health Week we wanted to focus on ‘kindness’ - to ourselves as well as to others.  Nurturing relationships and friendships is a big part of a person’s happiness.  To help encourage this, we offered a lucky dip of ‘kind acts’ that students took part in and shared amongst their friends.” Kelly Atkin, Wellbeing Keyworker.


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Sweet or savoury - lucky dip food decorating challenge

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Wellbeing Hub