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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Royal Navy Career Opportunities Presentation

On Wednesday, 26 January 2022, Ivybridge Community College Year 13 Public Services students welcomed CPO Richard Tremain, who delivered a Royal Navy Careers Workshop.

The Sixth Form students were joined by Year 11 students, who are currently considering studying the Level 3 BTEC Public Services Course. 

Year 13 Public Services student, Sasha, who attended the presentation, said, “CPO Richard Tremain is a Navy Careers Advisor whose job involves helping recruits with their application, and also going to different places of education and workplaces to talk about life in the Royal Navy and to encourage people to join.  He mentioned the vast amount of opportunities available, such as travelling the world and taking part in sport, and the different corps to join, giving examples from each.  He continued in detail about some of the roles that they were currently looking to recruit, such as submariners.  

 He was very informative, and gave clear, understandable answers, including personal stories where relevant.  He was very friendly, polite and down-to-earth, and overall gave a great presentation.  The students at the presentation really gained from it, as although you can access the information on the Royal Navy website, when it is given to you in person you have the opportunity to ask questions and get immediate answers.  I am currently not looking to join the Royal Navy myself, however, I took away from the presentation information about how the Royal Navy operates, and I learned about roles that I was not aware of before.”

Drew, also in Year 13 added, “The presentation that CPO Richard Tremain gave, and the PowerPoint and videos that he showed us, were very informative and inspired students to consider joining the Royal Navy.”  

Poppy Kirkup, teacher of PE and BTEC Public Services said, “The students were able to develop their knowledge and understanding on the role and purpose of the Royal Navy, the life of an officer, and explored various naval services and career pathways.  They also gained very valuable knowledge on the entry and selection processes.  The students thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and were engaged throughout.  We are looking forward to welcoming Richard back to the College in the future.”