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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Staff Support Positive Wellbeing for World Mental Health Day

Sunday, 10 October was World Mental Health Day 2021 and Ivybridge Community College staff were encouraged to share images that have a positive impact on their mental health and wellbeing.

The official theme this year was ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World’.  Mental health is a vital area at the best of times, but the need for meaningful support in the community has become even more relevant as we continue to navigate the challenges of the pandemic and post-pandemic world.

“To support our staff at the College, we have a number of schemes in place.  The basic ethos of all schemes is to encourage and normalise conversations about mental health.  So far this term, staff are engaging in the 'Secret Buddy' system and sharing thoughtful notes and gifts.  They are also nominating a colleague for a chocolate reward and passing on wellbeing books with messages or pages marked that are poignant.  All of which makes the College feel like a closer community.  More developments and schemes are to follow and we are proud that the wellbeing of staff at Ivybridge Community College is at the fore of our practice.”  Helen Ryder, Head of Human Science and Wellbeing Lead.

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day was observed for the first time in 1992 and has been celebrated since as an annual activity on the 10th October each year.  The objective of the day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to unite and join our efforts in support of mental health.

Good health is about both physical and mental wellbeing.  Emotional, psychological and social wellbeing are just as crucial as physical health, and they can all impact on one another.  Mental health problems affect people in every country across the world.

This World Mental Health Day, do one thing and support positive wellbeing.

It’s important to take care of ourselves and keep both our bodies and minds well and healthy and be able to function well, especially as we learn to live in a world which has been managing for with a global Pandemic for the past 18 months. #DoOneThing