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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Students Success at completing Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards

Ivybridge Community College is proud to announce that another twenty-one students have completed their Duke of Edinburgh Award in the last year.  

 The nineteen Bronze and the two Silver Award students have managed to stay focussed on their awards, despite COVID-19, and have achieved their aims.

The majority of the students were just waiting to complete the expedition element of their award and thanks to Dynamic Adventure, the College’s Approved Activity Provider, were able to complete this just before the summer break.

Certificates and pin badges were presented to the students by Andrew Mitchell, the College’s DofE Manager, who said, “It is fantastic to see the first cohort of students receiving their awards, following the break due to COVID-19.  Many of the participants had to change the activities that they had planned to undertake, due to the restrictions in place.  There are several more students who are close to finishing their awards and we look forward to seeing them complete soon.”

Caron Russell, The College’s DofE Administrator/Leader, added, “A big congratulations to all involved and we hope that their determination and commitment to the award will carry them forward onto the next level.”

All students from Year 9 upwards, can participate in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme.  Please find further information in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award folder on the College’s internal ‘Handouts’ drive (V), or contact Mr Mitchell or Mrs Russell.