Ivybridge Community College celebrates Diversity

As part of the National Diversity Week, students at Ivybridge Community College have celebrated Diversity.
During their CPSHE lessons students have focused on aspects of LGBTQ+. This is aligned to the anti-bullying of LGBTQ+ individuals in our society, which is linked to our Anti-Bullying Diana Award.
Students at the College are being called to be an ‘Upstander’ and each student made a pledge against inequality in today’s society and what role they will play to support our British values.
This was further highlighted by a ‘Colour Run’ and cake sale during the lunchtime on Friday, 12 July, which was organised to celebrate Diversity in our society, and the role of support and tolerance.
During the week in assembly students watched a short film, ‘What is Gender?’ as part of our support of Diversity Week.