Students attend the Anti-Bullying Ambassador Course

On Tuesday, 26 March, Ivybridge Community College students attended the Diana Award Anti-bullying Ambassador Course, at King Edward VI Community College, in Totnes, together with Mrs Shore, Associate Leader and Mrs Setter, Assistant Head of Year 7.
The 7 students attended various workshops and took part in team building activities, working with students from other local schools and colleges.
The enthusiastic leaders from the Diana Awards team asked staff and students to think about how we all communicate with one another, and to consider that the way we respond to others can have a negative or positive effect on an individual. Students also learnt about the different types of bullying an individual can experience and what types of support are available.
The afternoon activities saw the Ivybridge Community College students busily discussing how they would like to promote Anti-bullying at their College. The students demonstrated excellent team work and were very keen to organise key events at the College which included; creating an Anti-Bullying display board, introducing a "Give someone a compliment day", a fun run to support the LGBT group and visiting local primary schools to educate Year 6 pupils on the dangers of cyber bullying.
Staff and students at Ivybridge Community College are keen to ensure that everyone feels safe and secure at all times and the work of the Anti-bullying Ambassadors over the next few months will reinforce this message.
“I really enjoyed my day on the course. It was so interesting to find new and fun ways to support other students in our College. I cannot wait to start with new projects and begin my exciting role as an Anti-Bullying Ambassador.” Naomi Gath, Year 9.